Books, papers & websites

“For any CEO today silence is no longer an option”

Afdhel Aziz

My Research

The Philanthropic Contract Building Social Capital Through Corporate Social Investment

My Journal Articles

Building Social Capital Through Corporate Social Investment - Asia Pacific Journal of Business Administration.

Redefining the Epistomology of the Corporate / Not-for-profit Engagement.

My Book

Kind Business: Values Create Value.

Available through Australian bookstores and online, as a physical book, as an e-book through the usual channels, and as an audiobook via the Audiobook tab at the top of this page.


Finding Nature

Relentless Customer Leader

The Simone Feiler Podcast

C Level Conversations


‎Good On You – Ethical Fashion on the App Store ( Good On You – Ethical Fashion App - Apps on Google Play

Recommended Websites


Anti-slavery Australia

Australian Human Rights Institute (UNSW)Be Slavery Free

Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney anti-slavery

Cranlana Centre for Ethical Leadership

The Ethics Centre

Fair Supply Analytics

FRDM ethical sourcing

Freedom Seal

Informed 365

Institute for Sustainable Leadership

ISL Virtual Classroom

Pillar Two

UN Global Compact Network Australia

Recommended Books

Leadership for the New Millennium. Alison Cameron.

Head & Heart the art of modern leadership. Kirstin Ferguson.

Quiet, the power of introverts. Susan Cain.

Net Positive: How courageous companies thrive by giving more than they take. Paul Polman & Andrew Winston.

Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility. Debbie Haski-Leventhal.

A Selfish Plan to Save the World. Justin Dillon.

Restoring the Soul of Business. Rishad Tobaccowala.

Moral Courage. Rushworth Kidder.

Fearless Leadership. Corrinne Armour.

Women Kind. Catherine Fox & Kirstin Ferguson.

Stop Fixing Women. Catherine Fox.

Breaking The Boss Bias: how to get more women into leadwership. Catherine Fox.

Honey Bees & Locusts: the business case for sustainable leadership. Gayle Avery.

Conscious Capitalism. John Mackey & Raj Sisodia.

Justice: what is the right thing to do? Michael Sandel.

Capitalism as if the World Matters. Jonathan Porritt.

Addressing Modern Slavery. Justine Nolan & Martijn Boersma. Gayle Avery & Harald Bergsteiner.

New Women, New Men, New Economy. Narelle Hooper & Rodin Genoff.

Diagnosing Leadership in Global Organisations. Gayle Avery & Harald Bergsteiner.

A Roadmap to Modern Slavery Compliance and a Sustainable Supply Chain. Carsten Primdal.

Everybody Matters: the extraordinary power of caring for your people like family. Bob Chapman & Raj Sisodia.